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Public works and buildings (West Indies)

Archive Contents
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Correspondence register of the Buildings Inspector in Christiansted (1800 - 1850)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Correspondence register of the Buildings Inspector in Frederiksted (1818 - 1851)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Files relating to the registers of correspondence of the Buildings Inspector in Christiansted  (1767 - 1849)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Files relating to the registers of correspondence of the Buildings Inspector in Frederiksted  (1815 - 1849)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Register of construction work carried out by the Buildings Inspector in Christiansted (1835 - 1846)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Register of construction work carried out by the Buildings Inspector in Frederiksted (1836 - 1845)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Register of correspondence of the Buildings Inspector in Frederiksted (1824 - 1852)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Register of rough estimates by the Buildings Inspector in Christiansted (1816 - 1818)
Buildings Inspectorate on St. Croix Upper Buildings Inspectorate's files regarding the land tax register (1749 - 1777)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Land treasuries and colonial treasuries (1828 - 1897)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Official buildings on St. Thomas (1848 - 1883)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Property left by the deceased soldiers (1852 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The port of St. Thomas (1843 - 1917)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Protestant Cay (1829 - 1833)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Safeguards at the ports of Christiansted and St. Thomas (1804 - 1840)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Subject files of the West India Journal: St. Croix land treasury (1831 - 1849)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office The shipyard and the office of chief pilot on St. Croix (1797 - 1847)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Collection books occasioned by the fire on St. Thomas November 21, 1804 (1805 - 1806)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Documents concerning building activities (1756 - 1832)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Royal resolutions concerning the sum allocated for building activities and other undefined expenses (1780 - 1816)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office West Indian journal files: Miscellanea (1772 - 1850)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government Subject files: Public works (1796 - 1914)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's cash book concerning the Land Treasury (1836 - 1836)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's cash journal concerning the Land Treasury (1801 - 1824)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook (1819 - 1822)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook of abstracts concerning the Land Treasury sent to the Government  (1825 - 1843)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook of accounts and arrears (1821 - 1825)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook of letters received, journal  (1819 - 1822)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's daybook concerning the Land Treasury (1820 - 1823)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's ledgers concerning the Land Treasury (1801 - 1849)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Miscellaneous attatchments concerning the Land Treasury (1820 - 1850)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Buildings Inspector and City Surveyor's register of correspondence (1851 - 1865)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Buildings Inspector's copybooks (1815 - 1866)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Buildings Inspector's estimates (1800 - 1829)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Buildings Inspector's journals (1828 - 1843)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  City Surveyor's register of correspondence (1871 - 1877)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Civil Engineer's copybooks (1872 - 1882)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Civil Engineer's register of letters received and sent (1873 - 1875)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Copy of St. Thomas book of title deeds (1678 - 1684)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Land registers, Charlotte Amalie (1803 - 1855)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Land Surveyor's register of correspondence (1872 - 1876)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Letters received by the Civil Engineer (1874 - 1885)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  List of archival material (1734 - 1835)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  List of changes to the land register upon purchase and sale  (1848 - 1875)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Miscellaneous Buildings Inspector's records (1805 - 1849)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Register of construction completed for the garrison and other public construction (1833 - 1845)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Register of proclamations and instructions regarding buildings inspection (1685 - 1818)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Register of surveys, King's and Queen's Quarters in Charlotte Amalie  (1805 - 1836)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Register of surveys, St. Thomas and St. John (1764 - 1827)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Buildings Inspector and Land Surveyor on St. Thomas  Registers of surveys, Crown Prince's Quarter in Charlotte Amalie (1805 - 1836)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Land Treasury accounts (1859 - 1875)
Street Commission on St. Thomas Register of proceedings (1868 - 1886)
Street Commission on St. Thomas Registers of correspondence (1873 - 1908)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Documents concerning Company premises and real property in Copenhagen (1673 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Drawings and documents concerning the buildings and estate of The Sugar Refinery (1728 - 1752)
West Indian Government Subject files: Public works (1744 - 1911)
West Indian Government, Commission concerning repairs of the Lutheran church in Frederiksted, August 20, 1829 Files (1829 - 1845)
West Indian Government, Road commission on St. Croix Files (1819 - 1824)
This contains information about buildings and works related to the Danish West Indies, i.e. concerning construction and maintenance of public buildings (forts, hospitals etc.), production buildings (sugar refineries), streets and roads, bridges, harbours and other works.

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