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Church and mission (West Indies)

Archive Contents
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Church and school matters (1777 - 1920)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Ecclesiastical affaris and education (1833 - 1865)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Matrimonial files (1849 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Persons born, baptised, married and deceased (1850 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The West Indian Recruitment Office (1829 - 1918)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Miscellaneous files concerning ecclesiastical and missionary affairs (1822 - 1855)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Documents on missionary and educational affairs in the West Indies (1746 - 1849)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Reports concerning missionary, educational and hospital affairs (1746 - 1830)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Announed royal resolution concerning the legal system, the police, the clergy and the trade in the Danish colonies in America and at the coast of Guinea (1755 - 1755)
Danish Chancellery Drafts and attachments for West India files (1671 - 1699) Farvekopi fra Vestindienprojektet
Danish Chancellery Drafts and attachments for West India files (1699 - 1771) Farvekopi fra Vestindienprojektet
Danish Chancellery Drafts and attachments for West India files (1773 - 1799) Sort/hvid-kopi fra M-film
Danish Chancellery Index to West India files (1671 - 1699)
Danish Chancellery Index to West India files (1699 - 1771)
Danish Chancellery Index to West India files (1773 - 1799)
Danish Chancellery Regarding West India files (1700 - 1746)
Danish Chancellery West India files (1671 - 1699)
Danish Chancellery West India files (1699 - 1771)
Danish Chancellery West India files (1773 - 1799)
Government-General Files concerning introduction of principal parish register and perquisites system (1829 - 1848)
Government-General Hovedkirkebog for St. Thomas og St. Jan (1911 - 1918)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government Subject files: Social and cultural matters (1755 - 1916)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Register of notifications of births (1865 - 1868)
St. Croix Ecclesiastical Probate Court Probate register (1776 - 1778)
The Black Lutheran Mission Church, St. Croix Parish Register (1788 - 1818)
The Black Lutheran Mission Church, St. Thomas and St. John Parish Register (1788 - 1849)
The Dutch Reformed Church, St. Croix Parish Register (1764 - 1814)
The Evangelical Church, Christiansted Duplicate of Parish Register (1861 - 1920)
The Evangelical Church, Frederiksted Duplicate of Parish Register (1834 - 1917)
The Evangelical Church, St. Croix Parish Register (1740 - 1860)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Abstract of records of Superior Court case no. 53/1807 (1807 - )
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Account book of Frederik Lutheran Church (1854 - 1885)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Account book of the overseers of the poor (1823 - 1878)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Account book of the poor relief fund (1813 - 1854)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Chronological table of events (1665 - 1877)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Communion book for St. Thomas (1814 - 1844)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Correspondence (1847 - 1917)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Duplicate of Parish Register (1861 - 1918)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Elder register for St. Thomas (1823 - 1853)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Erindringsliste (1904 - 1904)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Parish Register (1691 - 1870)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Pew lists for Frederk Lutheran Church (1871 - 1892)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Register of proceedings of the rural schools on St. John (1852 - 1918)
The Evangelical Church, St. Thomas and St. John Register of proceedings of the rural schools on St. Thomas (1847 - 1918)
West Indian Government Abstracts of letters received from the Danish Chancellery, journals (1759 - 1848)
West Indian Government Copybook concerning letters sent to the Danish Chancellery and others (1756 - 1786)
West Indian Government Copybooks concerning letters sent to the Danish Chancellery  (1775 - 1848)
West Indian Government Letters received from the Danish Chancellery (1770 - 1847)
West Indian Government Miscellaneous reports from the congregations, St. Croix (1852 - 1910)
West Indian Government Reports of births, St. Croix (1841 - 1909)
West Indian Government Reports of confirmations, St. Croix (1830 - 1860)
West Indian Government Reports of deaths, St. Croix (1805 - 1909)
West Indian Government Reports of marriages, St. Croix (1828 - 1907)
West Indian Government Subject files: Social and cultural matters (1744 - 1911)
West Indian Government, Commission concerning repairs of the Lutheran church in Frederiksted, August 20, 1829 Files (1829 - 1845)
West Indian Government, Consistory on St. Croix Register of proceedings (1758 - 1803)
This contains information about churches and missions in the Danish West Indies. There were four big church communities: the Lutheran Church, the Reformed Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Moravian Brothers. The material contains e.g. church books and the special reports about births, confirmations, marriages and deaths.

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