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Defence forces (West Indies)

Archive Contents
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Annotations to the Regimental Quartermaster's accounts (1759 - 1782)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts of the West Indian Recruitment Office (1906 - 1910)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Cash accounts of the West Indian Recruitment Office (1857 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Copies of the quarterly reports from the government concerning military expenses defrayed by the colonial treasuries (1858 - 1871)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Lists of men posted to the West Indian Military Forces (muster rolls) (1847 - 1918)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Men-of-war in St. Thomas harbour (1875 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Militia and fire brigade (1851 - 1907)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Property left by the deceased soldiers (1852 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The West Indian Gendarmerie (1904 - 1924)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The West Indian Recruitment Office (1829 - 1918)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office West Indian Military Forces (1820 - 1906)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Recruitment and discharge lists of the West Indian military forces (1840 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Attatchments to the proposal concerning organisational changes in the regular troops (1830 - 1830)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Documents concerning the military forces in the West Indies (1830 - 1844)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Files concerning accoutrements (1805 - 1846)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Military service manual (1838 - 1838)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Proposal concerning organisational changes in the regular troops in the Danish West Indies (1830 - 1830)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Royal ordinance concerning organisational changes in the regular troops in the West Indies (1830 - 1830)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Safeguards at the ports of Christiansted and St. Thomas (1804 - 1840)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Documents concerning defences and fortifications in the West Indies, including the material concerning P. L. Oxholm's voyage to the islands 1778-1780 (1775 - 1832)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Payrolls of the military forces in the West Indies (1762 - 1770)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Reports and calculations concerning the West Indian military administration (1764 - 1851)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Stemann papers. Miscellanea concerning the West Indian trade and costums system and military (1785 - 1833)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office West Indian journal files: Miscellanea (1772 - 1850)
Government-General Copybooks, series A (1829 - 1846)
Government-General Files relating to register of correspondence, series A (1828 - 1836)
Government-General Instructions for naval commanders in the West Indies (1777 - 1800)
Government-General Registers of correspondence, series A, journal (1830 - 1841)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Copybook of the office of the Military Prosecutor etc. (1899 - 1917)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Court records concerning the burgher militia in Christiansted (1838 - 1853)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Court records of the Military Court in Christiansted  (1876 - 1898)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Court records of the Military Court in Frederiksted (1872 - 1892)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Court records of the Military Court on St. Croix (1817 - 1904)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Court records of the office of the Military Prosecutor on St. Croix (1898 - 1917)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Jurisdiction Files concerning the military jurisdiction (1865 - 1917)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Probate Court Probate Court records of proceedings etc. (1767 - 1785)
Government-General, St. Croix Military Probate Court Registers of probate letters (1767 - 1785)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government Copybook of the West India Government's orders concerning military matters (1906 - 1917)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government Drafts and attachments concerning military matters (1874 - 1883)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government Subject files: Military matters (1815 - 1888)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government The governor's register of correspondence concerning the Gendarmerie, journal (1916 - 1917)
Government-General, St. Thomas Military Jurisdiction Attatchments to interrogations (1774 - 1777)
Government-General, St. Thomas Military Jurisdiction Auction book (1802 - 1807)
Government-General, St. Thomas Military Jurisdiction Court records concerning St. Thomas and St. John (1769 - 1914)
Government-General, St. Thomas Military Jurisdiction Court records concerning St. Thomas and St. John civic guards (1823 - 1829)
Judge Advocate General Letters received from the West Indian Government (1790 - 1790)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government Ordinance for the Land Militia on St. Thomas (1693 - 1693)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government Regulations for the soldiers (1683 - 1683)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Abstract accounts for each fiscal year (1855 - 1862)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Account books for the West Indian troops (1833 - 1836)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Account of the West Indian Recruitment (1840 - 1845)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Alphabetical index to muster rolls (1805 - 1916)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Book of correspondence with the Board of Military Supplies (1833 - 1851)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Books of correspondence (1889 - 1918)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Cash and inventory accounts (1833 - 1918)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Cash book for the West Indian recruit barracks (1833 - 1855)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Cash books (1837 - 1919)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Copybook, letter A (1834 - 1888)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Copybook, letter B (1834 - 1888)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Correspondence and abstracts of accounts of recruitment (1804 - 1838)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Daily abstract of revenue and expenditure (1832 - 1839)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Declarations concerning applications for employment (1839 - 1848)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Discharge rewards (1835 - 1856)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Discharge rewards. Pensions and benefits (1856 - 1919)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Files relating to registers (1883 - 1918)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Incoming letters (1805 - 1918)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Index to register of punishment (1870 - 1892)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Instructions and other principled letters to the recruitment (1804 - 1888)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Inventory journals (1833 - 1883)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Journal of correspondence (1835 - 1839)
The West Indian Recruitment Office List of retirements from the West Indian Recruitment Office (1853 - 1882)
The West Indian Recruitment Office List of the retired privates from the West Indian Military Forces (1883 - 1917)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Miscellaneous (1870 - 1917)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Monthly abstract of revenue and expence (1833 - 1836)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Muster roll concerning officers (1876 - 1914)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Muster rolls (1849 - 1907)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Muster rolls (1805 - 1916)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Muster rolls and punishment books - Corporals, Sergeants, Privates (1907 - 1917)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Muster rolls, letter A (Punishment reports) (1884 - 1916)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Muster rolls, letter B (Punishment reports) (1871 - 1916)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Payroll for the West Indian Recruitment (1833 - 1834)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Payrolls (1861 - 1910)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Payrolls for the West Indian recruits (1823 - 1831)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Punishment reports (1831 - 1883)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Register of punishment (1870 - 1892)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Register of punishment 2 (1890 - 1893)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Register of recruitment (1906 - 1916)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Register of returned West Indian military men supported by the recruitment ect. (1834 - 1847)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Report books of the West Indian Recruitment (1848 - 1871)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Service records (1799 - 1916)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Single status certificates (1888 - 1915)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Undergarment and account books (1836 - 1858)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Account book (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Account book relating to pay  (1915 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Balances of cash accounts  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Cash book  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Confidential copybook  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Confidential files (1903 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Copybooks, series A (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Copybooks, series B (1910 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Corps orders (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Corps report books  (1914 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Files relating to registers (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Monthly accounts received from the detachments  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Muster roll concerning officers (1916 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Muster rolls concerning privates (1914 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Muster rolls of the Gendarmerie (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Official reports received from the detachment at Kingshill (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Official reports received from the detachment in Frederiksted (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Official reports received from the detachment on St. Thomas (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Orders of the day (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Pay calculation books (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Punishment book of the Gendarmerie  (1915 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Register, series A, journal  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Register, series B, journal  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Rejection register (1907 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Account book concerning cash sale from the depot (1913 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Copybook (1915 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Inventories and depot accounts etc.  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Journal concerning purchases and deliveries  (1915 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Ledgers concerning inventory (1908 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Purchase journal  (1911 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Store-book (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Stud book (1911 - 1915)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Frederiksted, St. Croix Cash books (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Frederiksted, St. Croix Copybooks  (1908 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Frederiksted, St. Croix Letters received (1907 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Kingshill, St. Croix Cash book (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Kingshill, St. Croix Copybooks  (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Kingshill, St. Croix Files relating to the register (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Kingshill, St. Croix Register, journal (1910 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, St. Thomas Cash book (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, St. Thomas Confidential files (1914 - 1916)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, St. Thomas Copybooks  (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, St. Thomas Letters received (1907 - 1914)
West Indian Government Subject files: Military matters (1744 - 1865)
West Indian Government, Commission concerning accoutrement for St. Croix Civic Guard Register of proceedings (1829 - 1833)
West Indian Government, Commission concerning military matters, May 6, 1837 Register of investigation (1837 - 1838)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Account abstracts and designations (1780 - 1786)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Auditing annotations to accounts (1755 - 1774)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Copybook of the monetary account (1758 - 1791)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces General accounts (1758 - 1792)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Menage accounts (1803 - 1807)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Payroll accounts (1755 - 1771)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Various matter of accountancy (1759 - 1793)
West Indian Military Forces Central files: Copies of vouchers (1824 - 1826)
West Indian Military Forces Central files: Copybooks (1887 - 1895)
West Indian Military Forces Local files: Letters received by the Commander of Christiansfort, St. Thomas (1815 - 1865)
West Indian Military Forces Local files: Registers concerning the King's Squadron, St. Croix (1815 - 1828)
West Indian Military Forces Local files: Registers concerning the voluntary military corps, St. Croix (1819 - 1828)
This contains information about the defence forces in the Danish West Indies. There were basically three parts: army with cavalry, infantry and artillery in the garrison in the towns, a naval force that most often consisted of a couple of warships stationed in the biggest towns, and a citizens' militia, that was also centered in in the three towns. The military force was abolished in 1906 and was replaced by the West Indian gendarmerie corps, which also served as a police force.

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